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VISION     |     STRATEGY    |    THE TEAM 


As a valued customer you would receive an enriching experience second to none at our medical care faciility.  Our services are geared towards the following niche groups but would be accessible to all ages depending on occupancy / availability.

  • Persons requiring Adult Rehabilitative Care - ages 18 and over

  • Terminally ill – ages 18 and over.

  • Elderly – ages 65 and over 


Why or When to Use "Champs Wellness Centre"?

For Rehabilitative Care?? Rehabilitation may be suitable for people with:

- neurological conditions, including stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, or following neurosurgery

- orthopedic conditions of the upper and lower body such as hip or knee replacement surgery, spinal surgery, lower limb amputation or recovery from fractures

- general reconditioning following prolonged illness, multiple injuries or respiratory conditions

- after falls at home

- for management of a range of chronic pain conditions.

Some people may be admitted to rehabilitation after acute illness or injury. Others may have longer term or chronic conditions managed at home but would benefit from a period of rehabilitation. Pre-admission medical review is undertaken for all patients, and recommendations can be made regarding rehabilitation needs or options.

For Palliative / Hospice Care?? How do you know if you need palliative care? Many adults living with illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, kidney failure and cystic fibrosis, among others, experience physical symptoms and emotional distress related to their diseases. Sometimes these symptoms are related to the medical treatments they are receiving. You may want to consider palliative care if you or your loved one:

· Suffers from pain or other symptoms due to ANY serious illness.

· Experiences physical or emotional pain that is NOT under control.

· Needs help understanding your situation and coordinating your care.

Start palliative care as soon as you need it. It’s never too early to start palliative care. In fact, palliative care occurs at the same time as all other treatments for your illness and does not depend upon the course of your disease. We provide comfort, pain relief, solace and improved patients quality of life. A healthy and holistic environment would be created for individuals with love and care that helps restore peace, dignity, joy at this crucial time.

For Geriatric Care?? Making the decision to move a parent / individual into assisted living is one of the hardest and most heart-wrenching decisions of your life. But if it keeps your loved ones, healthy and safe and perhaps even happy, then it is probably for the best.   There are usually several signs or indicators that you may need help. Consider the questions below and if you have answered yes to one or more of these questions, please contact us at 1-868-343-3000 for a visit or appointment. 

  1. When you really look at your parent, do you see the bright and vibrant person from years ago, or do you see a more limited person who needs some help one hour a day, or even around the clock?

  2. Altered his or her eating habits within the last year resulting in weight loss or gain, having no appetite, skipped meals, or hiding food?

  3. Is your parent falling? To determine the answer, is your parent covering up bruises he or she doesn't want you to see?

  4. Neglected personal hygiene resulting in wearing dirty clothes, body odor, bad breath, neglected nails and teeth, sores on the skin?

  5. Is your aging parent remembering to take medications correctly, with the right dosages and at the right time? Are medications expired?

  6. Are they able to operate appliances safely? Do they remember to turn appliances off when they are finished cooking?

  7. Had physical problems such as accidents, burns or injury marks resulting from general weakness, forgetfulness, or possible misuse of alcohol or prescribed medications?

  8. Is the home equipped with safety features such as grab bars and emergency response systems?

  9. Are they driving? Should they be driving? Do they have alternate means of transportation? 

  10. Do they have friends, or are they isolated from others most of the time?

  11.  Decreased or stopped participating in activities that were previously important such as playing cards, participating in a book club, dining with friends, or attending religious or other civic meetings?

  12. Exhibited forgetfulness resulting in unopened mail, piling newspapers, not filling their prescriptions, or missed appointments.

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